Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My Name is Lisa.....

And I am addicted to the Internet. I swear that every day that passes it gets worse. There are so many wonderful sites that enable me to get in touch with friends that are spread through out the country. There are sites with fun ideas for kids. There are tons of good things on the Internet. I know that there are tons of bad things too but I don't look at those things. So to me the Internet is a good thing. However, I feel that I am utilizing it way too often. Often the ones that get the bad end of that stick are my kiddos. So starting tomorrow I am not allowing myself online till nap time for the kiddos. And even then I am going to limit it to a half an hour. So wish me luck on cutting down on my online time. I feel that it will benefit it both me and my children. Here's to new habits! Spending more quality time with my kiddos!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa :) I found your blog through Ashley Person's. How are you girl? I am addicted to blogging and entering giveaways. I love blogging, and facebook. That helps me keep in touch better with people. I am following your blogs now. I have a personal and family blog too. Check them out if you wish. Glad I found you. I am the worst at calling people.
